Sunday, July 27, 2008

Trust Vote

Trust Vote
-not related to voting for a particular trust...........
UPA had gathered all the support it could before 23rd of July- D day.
By the way what the hell does D stand for? Death? Dreadful? Dumb? Daljit Singh?
Who knows????
If you know the answer please sms A, B or C to 362436.
That way I'll earn some money enabling me to buy paper and ink because let's face it this
really does not have the makings of a best-seller or for want of a better word "seller".
I mean look at me I started with the UPA and the trust vote (really....go check)
and ended up doing what half the people on Mumbai's roads do....asking for money....
the other half does not believe in asking (but let's not talk about that half cause I’m
not interested in receiving extortion calls as the pension I get is hardly enough
to sustain me forget some gentleman with a gun.)
Well, now that I've managed to drift a light-year apart from my actual topic i.e. and the trust vote
let me just get back to the topic.
{PS in the middle of the article: A light-year believe it or not is a unit of length
and not a unit of time although it sounds an awful lot like it.
bet you didn't know that did you??......You did? Oh well it must be just me then. Old age does these things to you.
Old age is kind of like childhood...the only difference being that god awful smell that follows you around.
By the way I bet you haven't realized the fact that I’ve been writing in a bracket for quite some time now)
Anyway it turns out the UPA was well prepared and won the trust vote by a comfortable margin.
Goooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Nuke deal........
Anyway it's goodbye for now. I'll see you soon....probably on the streets of Mumbai.
[I'm NOT GERMAN neither am I a gun or a plane]

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